Championing Vitality in Colorado
Promoting a Vibrant Colorado Economy
As EconDev professionals, we know just how important economic development is to a community’s well-being and quality of life. We also know that creating long-lasting and meaningful change requires the support and collaboration of the citizens within each community. It is our responsibility to celebrate the programs and services offered by our local, regional, and state economic development organizations.
Activate Your Community & Support Network
Colorado is a diverse state, however, in every region and community, we find that change is inevitable. When it comes to championing change, it’s critical to build your economic development team, engage elected officials, and highlight your achievements.
Utilize our Community Activation Checklist to rally the troops, build hype for economic development, and engage elected officials.
Join Us Virtually!
We are hosting two webinars during the #COEconDevWeek25!
EDCC Knowledge Network Series I - Data 101: Get the Data You Need for Successful Economic Development Programs
Monday, May 12, 2025 | 10 - 11 a.m.
Downtown Colorado Inc. Webinar: Tools for Downtown Development
Wednesday, May 14, 2025 | 10 - 11 a.m.
Champion Vitality During Economic Development Week 2025!
Join EDCC & DCI along with our state and federal program partners, OEDIT, DOLA, CWDC, Manufacturer’s Edge, USDA & EDA, as we celebrate Colorado’s Economic Development ecosystem!
The Economic Development Council of Colorado (EDCC) and Downtown Colorado, Inc. (DCI) are once again teaming up in 2025 to bring an award-winning, week-long celebration of educational webinars and a social media campaign highlighting Colorado’s Economic Development successes.
Join our celebration by sharing your community’s economic development stories during our daily social media campaigns!
Tag EDCC and DCI, and use #COEconDevWeek25 and #EconDevWeek25 to join the conversation and become a champion of your community.

Economic Development Week is officially here!
Colorado's Governor Proclaims Economic Development Week, May 12-16th
What is Economic Development Week?
National Economic Development Week was created by the International Economic Development Council in 2016 to increase awareness of local programs and services that create jobs, advance career development opportunities and increase quality of life among our communities.
How You Can Participate
We encourage you and your community to share accomplishments, network, and learn how to champion vitality in Colorado. Participate by:
- Joining our daily social media conversations
- Tagging EDCC and DCI in your posts about ED Week
- Using #COEconDevWeek25 and #EconDevWeek in your social media posts!
Celebrate Economic Development Week with Us!
Download EDCC's Social Media Toolkit to enhance your ED Week experience.
Throughout the week, plan to participate by sharing your story on social media (tag EDCC and use #COEconDevWeek25) and showcase the good in your community.
Thank you to our program partners